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What's aruku?

aruku is a random walk engine for Apache Spark. It helps you program and model your random walk easily and lets a distributed, fault-tolerant, and optimized engine take care of running it.

How do I use it?

To run node2vec on a graph from Apache Spark Graphx :

import aruku._
import aruku.implicits._
import aruku.walks._
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.graphx.utils._

val graph: Graph[Long, Int] = GraphGenerators
.logNormalGraph(sc, numVertices = 150000)

val numWalkers = 150000
val walkLength = 80
val p = 0.5
val q = 2

graph.randomWalk(edge => edge.attr.toDouble)
(Node2Vec.config(150000), Node2Vec.transition(0.5, 2, 80))

Ready to install?

libraryDependencies += "com.github.pierrenodet" %% "aruku-core" % "0.1.0"


This library is inspired by KnightKing [engine] and the [talk] of Min Shen at Spark Summit 2017.