Why ?
I was doing some projects about web scrapping, and I was tired of the selenium Java API, getting unchecked exceptions everywhere, cluncky sleeps and waits, and browsers hanging opened left and right when something bad happen.
So I have decided to actually apply all the blogs I have read about why FP is great, pure functions, effects, ADT, tagless final (don't kill me it's the double coffee cup : F[_,_]
), ...
The aim of the project is to go as far as skunk with reimpleting a complete client for WebDrivers, but as it's though and i wanted to at least get the API right, it's using Selenium as the first implementation of my "algebras".
Here is small snippet, hope it's good enough, I'm a shitty programmer :
.use(session => (
for {
url <- EitherT.fromEither[IO](Url("http://google.com"))
_ <- session.to(url)
element <- session.findElement(XPath("""//*[@id="hplogo"]"""))
imageLink <- element.attribute("src").leftWiden[LuniumException]
} yield (imageLink)
What are this modules ?
I tried to make it as modular as possible, you have tagless "algebras" bifunctored and ADTs in the lunium-core
The lunium-selenium
propose implicits conversion between the lunium ADTs and selenium objects, and an interpreter for selenium without effect types (but it's unusable).
Then there is one module per effect library ecosystem, lunium-zelenium
for ZIO, and lunium-umbreon
for cats. They both contain an interpreter that are not interdependent and hopefully leverage the best of both ecosystems, at the price of small copy pasting.
Ready to Install ?
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pierrenodet" %% "lunium-core" % "0.0.0"
Choose your Monad
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pierrenodet" %% "lunium-zelenium" % "0.0.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pierrenodet" %% "lunium-umbreon" % "0.0.0"