Cheat Sheet

The following table is a cheat sheet of operators defined in matou, yet it is not exhaustive:

Concept (Operator) Category Syntax Math Syntax
Binary Operations (hadamard) a + b
a - b
a ⊙ b
a ⊘ b
Broadcasted Operations (broadcast) a :+ b
a :- b
a :* b
a :/ b
Composition (matmul) a >>> b a * b
a <<< b a ∘ b
Norm (froebenius) a ⋅ b
Product (kroenecker) a *** b a ⊗ b
Khatri Rao Product (khatrirao) a ### b a ∗ b
Face Splitting Product (facesplitting) a &&& b a ∙ b
Diagonal (diagonal)
Coproduct (directsum) a +++ b a ⊕ b
Horizontal Concatenation (hcat) a ||| b
Vertical Concatenation (vcat) a === b
Codiagonal (codiagonal) Δ
Convolution (convolve) a ⋆ b