Quick Start

The core component of matou is the Matrix[M, N, A] where M and N represent the number of rows and columns of the matrix and A the type of the matrix components.

Creating matrices

To create matrices, use all methods provided in matou.Matrix companion object.

import matou.*

// Identity matrix of shape 2,2
val id2 = Matrix.identity[2, Double]

// Range matrix of shape 2,4
val range = Matrix.tabulate[2, 4, Double](i => i)

// Create a matrix from values
val block = Matrix((1, 2), (3, 4))

// Create a block matrix from blocks
val blocks = Matrix((block, block), (block, block))

// Matrices concatenation
val concat = (block.join(block)).fork(block.join(block))

Generic operations

Key methods have been implemented to manipulate matrices in a typesafe manner:

  • scalar operator to apply a function f: A => B to each matrix element (map),
  • hadamard operator to apply a function f: (A, B) => C to each element of two matrices (map2, zip),
  • kronecker (with khatrirao and facesplitting) operator to apply a function f: (A, Matrix) => Matrix to each element of a first matrix with a second matrix (flatMap, flatten),
  • matmul operator to compose matrices (andThen, compose),
  • directsum (with hcat and vcat) to build new matrices.

For each of these operators, the mul, add and zero can be provided accordingly to the canonical operations of the field of the matrix elements.

See matou.Matrix for the complete API.

get, update, and slices

To retrieve elements or make views from matrices, two methods are available, the typesafe or unsafe operation:

import matou.*

val a = Matrix.tabulate[2, 2, Int](i => i)

// Will get the first element of the matrix given the usual linear indexing and throw a compile-time error if the required element is out of bound.

// Will throw a runtime error if out of bounds.

For exemple, the following snippet will throw a compile-time error:

import matou.*

val a = Matrix.tabulate[2, 2, Int](i => i)

// Will get the first element of the matrix given the usual linear indexing and throw a compile-time error if the required element is out of bound.

// Will throw a runtime error if out of bounds.


For slices, a convenient syntax is available thanks to an import:

import matou.*

val a = Matrix.tabulate[2, 2, Int](i => i)

// Will get the first element of the matrix given the usual linear indexing and throw a compile-time error if the required element is out of bound.

// Will throw a runtime error if out of bounds.

import matou.Slice.*
import matou.Bound.*

// Will select the first row of the matrix and all columns
a.slice[0 :: 0, :::]

// Equivalent syntax
a.slice[0 :: 0, ** :: **]

Math operators

All usual matrix operators commonly used in linear algebra are provided with a unicode syntax to make your code look like your latex.

See matou.MathOps for all operators.


Broadcasting is implemented in terms of a typeclass Broadcast[F,G]{type H} where F, G, and H are higher kinded type representing matrices with a given shape. F and G represent the two shapes of the input matrices, and H represents the shape of the output matrix.

Especially, instances of this typeclass represent the different rules of broadcasting:

  • binary functions can be applied to matrices of the same shape
  • matrices of different shapes can be streched
  • matrices of different dimensions can be padded

In our case, instead of the multi-dimensional array case, the third rule is only used to broadcast scalars to matrices.

All broadcasted operators are prepended with a colon : to emphasize that the operator rules are less strict (on the matrices shape) than the traditional ones.

import matou.BroadcastOps.*
import matou.*

val r = Matrix.tabulate[4, 5, Int](i => i)

scalar(2) :* r :== r :* scalar(2)

Lifting functions to matrices

Lifting usual scala functions to a matrix representation is possible under the condition that the input and output types are Enumerable.

trait Enumerable[A]:
  type C <: Int
  def elements: IndexedSeq[A]

The type member C represents the cardinality of an enumerable set at the type level, which allows to statically computes the shape of the matrix representation of a lifted function.

import matou.Enumerable
import matou.Matrix
inline def lift[A, B, CA <: Int, CB <: Int](f: A => B)(using
    Enumerable.Aux[A, CA],
    Enumerable.Aux[B, CB]
): Matrix[CA, CB, Double] = ???

Then the matrix is filled with ones and zeros accordingly to f.

Some instances of Enumerable are already implemented (such as for tuples of enumerable, functions from and to enumerable, ...), and by using the right import, matou allows you to do this:

import matou.Enumerable.*

// Monty Hall problem
case object Win
case object Lose

type Outcome = Either[Win.type, Lose.type]

// Switching doors after one losing door has been revealed
def switch(outcome: Outcome) =
  outcome match
    case Left(Win)   => Right(Lose)
    case Right(Lose) => Left(Win)


Category of matrices


See matou.CategoryOps for all operators.